After living in Israel for three years I embarked upon building a house
in Shilo. Below are some of the words I found useful to know in order to
understand what was happening around me. I believe that knowing these words can
aid in your understanding, but presenting them in no way implies that building a
house in Israel can be a do-it-yourself activity for the oleh. You will likely
require considerable help, no matter how much Hebrew you know.
English | עברית |
Supervision | פיקוח |
Development | פיתוח |
1)safe 2)Insurance | ביטוח |
Serving (noun) | הגשה |
Planning | תכנון |
long/short | ארוך/קצר |
wide/narrow | רחב/צר |
thickness | עובי |
depth | עומק |
level/sloping | שטוח/מדרוני |
pretty/ugly | יפה/מכוער |
darker-colored/lighter-colored | כהה/בהיר |
grout | רובה |