The Palestine Sharing Peace Plan

also known as

A Two-State Solution for Those Who Can Count

Mark Schoenberg, 2011

A criticism often made of proposals for creating peace in the Middle East is that they are not workable. When people say my plan is not achievable, I ask them if they mean it is not achievable over the next year, the next three years, the next ten years, or the next twenty years. If you read my glossary of terms, you will be reminded that the plan generally considered as the only workable one, the Oslo Peace Plan, has been attempted so far for more than eighteen years without success.

The name of the peace plan, "Palestine Sharing Peace Plan", is derived from the fact that the plan envisions having two states share the area of land known as Palestine. The secondary name, "A Two-State Solution for Those Who Can Count" facetiously refers to the fact that most so-called two-state solutions have a mininum of three, and sometimes four states within Palestine.

A Simple Workable Plan

The "Palestine Sharing Peace Plan" is simple. It involves having a homeland for the Jews in one-half of Palestine and a homeland for the Arabs in the other half. The plan is similar to one I proposed in 2008, and similar to one proposed by Israeli Member of the Knesset, Benny Alon in 2002.

Quick History

The League of Nations decided in 1922 that Palestine should be a homeland for the Jewish people and it gave Great Britain, which had declared this very same goal in 1917, a mandate to ensure that it happened. However, Great Britain, rather than fulfilling its mandate, instead established an Arab country (The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) east of the Jordan River on 75% of the land of the Palestine Mandate and Jews were excluded from owning land there.

In the aftermath of World War II, the League of Nations was dissolved and the United Nations created in its stead. The U. N. came up with a new plan, generally referred to as the Partition Plan, that gave just under half of the remaining part of Palestine (west of the Jordan River) to the Jews and an approximately equal amount to the Arabs. This plan, while accepted by the Jews living in Palestine, was rejected by the Arabs, and seven Arab armies invaded the new state of the Jews which was given the name Israel.

I won't go into the history of this and subsequent wars between the Arabs and Israel. I only record this history to point out that it makes no sense to reinstitute the Partition Plan, which already has failed, as part of any peace plan. It instead, makes more sense to relocate the Arabs currently living among Jews on the west bank of the Jordan River, to the area east of the Jordan River, where there are already Arabs governing themselves in a functioning state where Jews are prohibited from owning land.

While it might seem unseemly that there are countries in which Jews are forbidden to own land, allowing this monstrous situation to exist may be the lesser of evils since it seems to satisfy the Arabs, as evidenced by the fact that Israel and Jordan have been at peace for more years than they have been at war. Only when pan-Arabism raised its head, as in 1967 and 1973, have Jordan and Israel gone to war. It should be clear that no manner of Israeli concession is likely to alleviate the situation when pan-Arabism or Islamo-fascism rears its ugly head.

Implementation of the Peace Plan

1) It is clear to me that the first step towards achieving peace between Jews and Arabs in the Middle East must be the abolition of UNRWA and transfer of responsibility for the Arab refugees to the UNHCR.

UNRWA, rather than resettling the Arab refugees generated during the 1948 war between the new state of Israel and seven Arab armies, has, for more than 60 years, allowed the Arabs to wage a terror war against Israel. As pointed out by Gunner Heinsohn, UNRWA's existence has relieved the Arab refugees of the responsibility of earning a living or building community institutions, and has instead left them free to produce children who are then taught, often in UNRWA or EU-funded schools, to hate Jews. These children grow up with no possibilty of leading a productive life, and often turn to terrorist and other anti-social pathological activity.

Once UNRWA has ceased its harmful practices, UNHCR should be able to help, as it has helped millions of others, resettle the Arab refugees in Jordan or in other Arab countries where they can lead productive lives.

2) A second issue that must be resolved in order that there be enduring peace between the Arabs and Jews is that the Moslem Arabs must reverse their policy of establishing holy sites on top of those of other religions. Moslems have built mosques at Hindu religious sites in India, which have frequently been sources of conflict, and they also have built mosques at Jewish and Christian sites in Israel. Since the Oslo Peace Accords were signed, the Arabs have attempted to establish a mosque at the site of Joseph's Tomb, and have claimed that Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem also is a Moslem Holy site. As part of a comprehensive peace settlement, the Arabs must cease all attempts to claim Jewish holy sites and also must relocate the Dome of the Rock and the El Aksa mosques, now located on the Temple Mount, Judaism's most-holy site, the location of the First and Second Temples mentioned in the Holy Bible.

Last updated 16 May, 2013

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