Trump statement on #Iran. https://youtu.be/-qmuTWRsNtU
FBI Finds 30 Pages of #Clinton -Lynch Tarmac Meeting Documents. Wants Six Weeks to Turn Over Docs - Judicial Watch http://jwatch.us/fuXoao
http://tinyurl.com/y72lefvl משלחת מישראל דרשה ממזכ"ל האו"ם לחדול ממימון ספרי הלימוד המסיתים של הרש"פ
Amb Rice has been getting a lot of criticism for this tweet but - to be fair - she's a legit expert on what American Jews think about Iran deal. And what they email about it. And what they text about it. And what they GChat about it. And what they WhatsApp about it.
Jewish, at least until 2nd Century CE http://myrightword.blogspot.co.il/2017/10/khirbet-kulason-jewish-until-2nd-century.html …
Fake news. Never happened. All made up. http://english.wafa.ps/page.aspx?id=yUkH3Za92147773707ayUkH3Z … @odedrevivi @epieprz
He who pays the reporter, calls the tune. I preferred @Danmargalit at @IsraelhayomNews
The Centuries-Old Strategy That Turbocharged My #Productivity https://www.thecut.com/2017/10/the-centuries-old-strategy-that-turbocharged-my-productivity.html …
Literally stumbled into the premier screening of "Hate Spaces" on campus problems of anti-Israel nature. @richard_landes @brianoflondon
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